Exploring Joy TV Promo!
To be accurate, this is a sample promo. The voice over was done on my iphone (complications in coordinating studio time) so it needs to be rerecorded, and somewhat re-scripted, (we'll be exploring more than just mental and sexual well-being ;) but I wanted to share it anyway.
Let me know what you think and if you like it, please spread the word!
involved in the making of the promo!
And to those who were involved in the making of the promo - thank you so much! I am eternally grateful for your efforts, knowledge and support.
Dr. Hari Haran - Music and Sound Therapist and Vedic Astrologist
Lynn Roberts - Yoga and Ayurvedic practitioner and owner of Banyan Yoga and Ayurveda
Heather Rice - Yoga Teacher and owner of Amrita Wellness Center
Nancy Beal - Harp, Singing Bowl and Reiki Therapist
Elizabeth Conner - Yoga Teacher and owner of Prancing Peacock Yoga Studio
Simon Rogers - Filmographer, Producer, Creative Director - SLR Creative Group
Steven Denisevicz - Filmographer - In Short Films
involved in the making of the promo!
And to those who were involved in the making of the promo - thank you so much! I am eternally grateful for your efforts, knowledge and support.
Dr. Hari Haran - Music and Sound Therapist and Vedic Astrologist
Lynn Roberts - Yoga and Ayurvedic practitioner and owner of Banyan Yoga and Ayurveda
Heather Rice - Yoga Teacher and owner of Amrita Wellness Center
Nancy Beal - Harp, Singing Bowl and Reiki Therapist
Elizabeth Conner - Yoga Teacher and owner of Prancing Peacock Yoga Studio
Simon Rogers - Filmographer, Producer, Creative Director - SLR Creative Group
Steven Denisevicz - Filmographer - In Short Films
Please note: I'd like to say for the record that I am not on a quest to bring down the pharmaceutical industry or make disparaging remarks about Americans. There are many aspects of our western medical system that I have a great deal of respect for and I understand that there are times the use of pharmaceuticals is necessary-- I myself do take certain medicines on occasion.
However, the reason I started this project is because I believe there is a desperate need to change the way we approach health here in America. How can we look to illness for answers on how to be well? I believe we must shift our attention from disease treatment and begin an in depth study of disease prevention in order to understand how to be truly healthy. This is the purpose of Exploring Joy.
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