In The Thick Of It - The Chrysalis Effect

2013 seems like it’s been a tough year for so many people.  Last year I was told countless times by people in many different spiritual communities that I needed to get really well before 2013 because if I don’t my life would be very challenging.  I get it now, and I feel it in full force.  My year began with countless colds and the flu. Last month after a painful GuaSha treatment, Fibromyalgia flooded my body.  And the 30 year old malformation in my right foot has suddenly shifted and required immediate surgery.  

And it’s not just body pain I’ve been experiencing, my mind has been full of unease as well.  

Last week I felt the need to cry and I had to just “get it out.” Moments of anxiety have been creeping in.  I was completely unaware I was feeling this until one day I realized I was holding tension in my chest and shoulders. Other times I find myself holding my breath.  This is not something I typically feel and if I wasn’t so connected to my body, I don’t know how long I would have remained unaware of this new condition.  The anxiety, sensitivity and body tension may be symptoms related to this latest Fibromyalgia instance, but I think it is more than that.

When I look around, it seems like I am not alone in this building tension.  

I feel it all around me.  People who have been battling illnesses are losing.  People whose minds are unstable seem to be unraveling.  Our society itself feels like it has reached a crux.  Like we are ready to move forward into some new and beautiful place, but something old and suffering tightening it’s claw.  The tension, contractions before (re) birth. 

I believe we are currently undergoing a worldwide transformation. Our world is no longer in the caterpillar phase. We are now the murky, messy chrysalis soup. On December 21, 2012, when we were all talking about the" end of the world," the Sun and planets were aligned in a specific way that put our earth in the perfect position to receive a very special energy.  The vibration created from this unique alignment is only directed to earth once every 25,800 or so years when the Age of Pisces transitions into the Age of Aquarius.  The Mayans believed this energy would help “wake up” the world and help us evolve from our self-serving nature into a more collective that cares and considers all of Life.

The Age of Aquarius is about 2,150 years long, and just like the last transition when we entered into Pisces - the beginning is rough.  It may even get worse before it begins to get better.   We are beginning to reconcile the truth of all matters - this includes a reconciliation with ourselves.  

We can no longer run and hide.  

All the pains we have been carrying or creating, mental and physical, are rising to the surface and screaming to be noticed. We must look at the things that no longer serve us and assess them with honesty if we are to transform. 

I feel the change in my body and my mind. I am working to be patient and loving with myself during this time.  I believe the pain is temporary and I inherently know I mustn't run from it. 

I see it, I acknowledge it.  And someday, when I let it go, I will fly.  
