We Are What We Practice - Practice Being Well in 2012!

The new year is here and there is new energy in the air!  

Let us allow this energy to fuel our inner fires and give us strength to make positive changes in our lives.

Here's to being well in 2012!


We are what we practice - the good and the bad. 

If you wish to be more compassionate, practice compassion.  If you desire to be more centered, practice finding your center.  

It's easy to change with practice, it's remembering to practice that can be tricky... 

I wear a braided leather bracelet to remind me of the personal qualities I am working on. I take a minute to consider and align with these qualities every time I put it on.  Sometimes the bead that is attached rattles on my computer when I'm typing.  It used to annoy me until I realized it offered me another opportunity to practice.  Now every time it rattles or catches on something I take a minute to meditate on the qualities I am working on.  Do you have a trick that helps you remember? 
