Day 5 of Deepak Chopra's 21 Day Meditation ~ No Attachment to Outcome - I Flow

Day 5
Sanskrit mantra:
Om Anandham Namah 

My actions are blissfully free from attachment to outcome. 
Centering thought:  I flow in rhythm with my mind and body.

No attachment to outcome ~ I flow.  I feel so connected to this philosophy.  It enables me to connect with my purpose and move from my center.  As soon as I work from a place of "trying to achieve something" my creative flow is blocked.  It is the same with my meditation and yoga practice.  Practicing in order to achieve a positive end result instead of exploring and connecting with my body in each moment greatly limits the benefits of my practice.   I am realizing I get so much out of playfully exploring everything in my world.  Exploring playfully allows for an ease that helps cultivate the detachment to an outcome.  People, places, food, situations, interactions, challenges, my body, my surroundings, my feelings, my personal practice…  I gain so much more out of each moment in my life when playfully explore, and do not hold expectation of what each moment should look or feel like.  

Each day I have been exploring a different way to connect with the daily meditation practice and mantra in the series.  It felt much easier to sit and be with my body and mind united today.  Instead of using the mind occupying exercises from my previous days, I relaxed and cultivated a circulation of good feelings in my body and then reintroduced the mantra. 

And then came my A-Ha! moment.  I've explored so many different ways of meditating and always understood inherently that if I had trouble connecting to a mantra to employ the use of a second, body-oriented task, to keep my mind too busy to wander.  I'm realizing this is exactly what I need to feel balanced in my practice.  One part of my consciousness in my body and one part in my mind.  Duh!  It's the essence of mindfulness and I practice it throughout my day.  I don't know why that thought hasn't dawned on me in relation to my seated meditation before now.    I'm psyched to move forward with this new understanding.  I wonder if my seated meditation will become easier and more rewarding?  Either way - I will continue to playfully explore my practice, liberated from the attachment to the answer of that question.


  1. just found your blog, thanks for sharing your experiences with the 21 days challenge. I am really enjoying it and think today was the best day!! and if the mantra OM works best for you, accept it, flow with it and go with it. I will continue to follow your experience. You are welcome to follow mine on my blog namaste.


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