Day 6 of Deepak Chopra's Meditation ~ A Powerful Shift In My Understanding ~ I Love My Body ~ I Am Perfection
Day 6
Today's Centering Thought: "I am perfection. I am healthy. I am strong."
Our Sanskrit mantra:
So hum
I am.
Last night I had a really powerful shift in my understanding of and relationship with my body. I was sitting on my floor rubbing my legs from top to bottom and back up again and began to focus my attention on my knees. As I was rubbing my knees it dawned on me that I didn’t even know what they ‘felt’ like. I massage my body a LOT to get the energy flowing and the blood circulating. Exploring my body is not a random practice for's pretty much the goal and purpose of this blog. So why had I never, not once thought to take in what I feel like. I realized then that my massage therapist and lovers long gone probably knew the feel of my body better than I do. I felt a pang of sadness realizing this but it was immediately washed away by a feeling of love which flooded my whole body. I wanted to touch my legs and whole body with this new awareness...from the outside in. Exploring and learning this form, like it was not my own, but at the same time with full realization that this body IS all my own. I felt so much love and gratitude for my body and for this new understanding.
Today when I woke up I felt completely relaxed and connected to myself. I stayed in bed for 30 minutes noticing the energy circulating in my body and how nicely it flowed when I was relaxed. I cultivated this feeling further by asking all of the cells in my body to soften. ‘Soften’ became my mantra...and it felt so nice.
While I was laying in bed I realized the cramping feeling I was having was due to the onset of my period. For the first time ever I didn’t feel the sudden disappointment that usually comes along with its arrival. Instead I felt gratitude for my body functioning well. This was also a huge shift in my relationship with my body.
A friend of mine had a similar experience recently. There’s definitely a cosmic shift of some sort happening... maybe these experiences are somehow tied? If you have had a similar experience of sudden self-love washing over you, please share! I would love to hear about it!
From my girlfriend: I was just giving myself an evening abhyanga and as I looked at the extra weight I've been carrying for the past few years, I noticed myself genuinely thank my body for the extra protection it's been giving me....My body was sweetly touched, and I felt it melt into a relaxation I haven't felt in a long time...a loosening of grip. Giving myself a gold star on my abhyanga today, yeay ;)
This morning when I did the So Hum meditation I was almost shocked with how relative today’s topic was to all I had been experiencing last night and this morning.
From the 21 Day Meditation Challenge website:
Today’s message and meditation center on our bodies, which are perfect in every moment.
As we learn more about the messages we send our bodies, we also become more aware of how we talk to ourselves. When we have an ache, pain, sickness, or perceived imperfection, it’s important to pay attention to these signals from our body and mind and respond with compassion. In today’s visualization exercise, we’ll take a journey of self-awareness, traveling throughout the body and offering love, acceptance, and gratitude everywhere we go.
Looking back, it was my experience with Fibromyalgia that really helped me to cultivate a patient, loving and compassionate relationship with my body. Back then I had terrible bouts of pain and would be so frustrated trying to move through my day. What helped me become compassionate was the understanding that I am not my body. It may do things I don’t like, or look ways I wish it didn’t but that doesn’t change me. I am the spirit within. My body is my just my vehicle. I want to take good care of it so it can take good care of me and help make my experience here a pleasant one, but even if it isn’t performing well, I can still enjoy my experience.
So Hum ~ I am
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