Sexual Wellbeing - Do You Have A Difficult Time Reaching Climax?

I sure don't.  I can reach it just fine... I just cant seem to cross the finish line.

Since my health troubles began I have had a really tough time being able to reach my big O.  Although I spend plenty time being intimate with my honey, 95% of the time I can't seem to finish. The only way I do finish is through the use of electronic sources.  While I do love my lux toy collection, (they make amazing toys nowadays) I don't like to rely on that method because I don't enjoy that finish nearly as much, and moreover, because I really want to understand my body and be able to tap into the pleasure that is part of me.  

I'm sharing this with you now because when I began researching my complaint I found that so many women have the same issue.  TOO many.  Some women never experience an orgasm.  This concept seems incredible to me.  It makes me sad thinking that this is something that isn't really being talked about.  We all deserve to experience this part of ourselves. It is our birthright.

I shared my problem with my Ayurvedic doctor and she seems to think it is due to my body systems being out of whack.  She told me when my internal systems come back into balance things should return to normal.   Here's hoping! I spoke to another Ayurvedic doctor about it and he said that my dosha, Vata dosha type, should only be engaging in sexual intimacy once a month or it creates imbalance.  Huh?  Apparently Pitta dosha can be moderately active and Kapha dosha can spend more time sharing love than the other two types.  Ah, to be a Kapha.  I'll just have to find other ways to balance the inbalance created by too much sex for my dosha type.  Because for now... once a month is not near enough time to explore.

Since this is such a wide-spread problem it is something I think really needs to be addressed so whenever I meet with new practitioners I will be bringing it up.  I understand how private this topic is, but I do feel it needs to be exposed so it can be better understood.  Sexual intimacy is an important part of our experiences here on earth and of wellness in general.  If anyone has information on this topic and is willing to share, I would be very interested in talking to you and it goes without saying that I would keep all information confidential.
