Move or Die! Well, sort of.
Saturday - This morning, I woke up feeling weak and foggy brained...(corn chips from last night?) I did a really long Abhyanga then a really short and painful yoga session. I tried to meditate and feel like I can't...not well anyway. My mind wanders, I can't breath well in a seated position. I feel scattered. On the flip side, the pain in my body has been present, but not horrible. I wonder if it just that I've gotten used to the pain. I feel it now, but it isn't crippling me. Maybe it's less disturbing because I know what the cause of the pain, now? Or that I've resigned to it? (shudder!) I hope not.
Regarding general bodily aches and pains...a friend recently shared with me that he had suffered a spell of body aches and brain fog. (Two of the most common symptoms of Fibromyalgia.) When he shared his complaint with his his doctor he was offered pain medication. He refused and instead began a workout regimen. He said that his pains went away and his mind was much clearer.
Everything gets better when we are active. Even sex gets better. Our bodies were not meant to sit for long hours without movement. Sitting at a computer from 9-5 is just awful for the body. So is bending over a work bench, picking up kids again and again or doing any repetitive movements for long hours at a time. Our bodies NEED counter-poses throughout the day. We might stand up and stretch our backs here and there, but it really is not enough. This is another reason I love yoga. I can use it to counter-pose everything I do in my day.
I can't tell you how it feels to see your sweet face and hear your voice. It's been, what? 15 years????? I hope you're getting back into your yoga and feeling better about yourself. I love you dearly.