1/22/11 Saturday: NYC was PERFECT! Coming out of depression. Quick notes from Friday at bottom.
Long but wonderful day! I went to NY for the day to attend my good friend's baby shower. I had coordinated with her sister who lives in MD (my friend that brought me out on that weeknight of debauchery,) to meet on the train so we rode up together. I had already decided that I was going eat and drink whatever I wanted for the day after learning that the Mexican place, where the baby shower was being held, was amazing. I can rest the entire day tomorrow, if need be. I wish I had taken pictures of all the food...It was delicious!! I will post a few pics below.
Notes from the visit: I had an amazing time with friend's and their family that I haven't seen in years. Met and chatted with new friends. And got to see my beautiful friend with her beautiful belly for the first time in 6 months. The whole event was very satisfying to my doshas! I even found walking through Penn Station and the busy streets nostalgic rather than unsettling. Normally I am not one for being in giant bustling masses of people. I much prefer the slow deliberate pace of a walk in nature. I am awkward walker in crowded situations. There is a very precise flow to crowd walking that does not allow for...well...manners. If you stop to let someone go by or if you idle for a moment to accommodate some slow movers, the guy 2 feet behind you has to stop or change his path and it disrupts that perfect harmonious flow of walking, pushing and cutting people off that New Yorkers seem to have mastered. I seem to be better at this walk when I look at the ground or past everyone to my final destination area, but that just doesn't feel good to me. I can't help but acknowledge the people in front of me. Even if the situation calls for detachment. So there was some floundering on my part before I made it out of the station and up to 7th Ave, but I didn't drop the cupcakes!
Notes re: my mood over the past few days: So I think I am coming out of my 2 day bout of depression. I'm realizing it was from a combination of things...having expectations of how well I should be by this point, not having total faith in my current treatment plan, not trying out the other options and treatment plans available to me. I apologize to everyone reading (and to myself as well!) for not beginning with my bi-weekly alternative medical treatments. This has been part of my depression as well...I want to fit more into my schedule and don't feel like I can. Yoga classes OUT of the house, massages and Acupuncture I've bought from the coupon sites...these things are paid for and waiting and I can't seem to get to them! Also the brain fog has me going in circles. I know it will serve me well to let go of expectations and just be who and where I am right now. I just forget to practice it. I need to remember my mood does not need to be determined by my state of being. It is common for someone waking in pain to react to the unpleasant experience with an appropriate level of unhappiness, but it is not necessary. And it is not helpful. So I'm going to practice being unattached to my challenges. I'll let them be there and try not to react to them negatively.
Notes from the day:
Went to bed at 10:15 last night, woke up at 6:15 am, bed tonight 2:30 am...late night with my man...3 hours of...um...alone time on the 3rd floor...Ayurveda says every thing we do either balances or aggravates our doshas...I know the late night caused some aggravation, but the 3 hours of connection with my man is like medicine for this body.
3rd day with a slight headache, woke with it this time, not as bad as the other two days. Took 2 advil over the course of 8 hours. (First pain pills in months! Was happy they worked.) Had terrible indigestion when I got home...terrible. Used an Ayurvedic remedy to sooth the acid in my belly...1/4 lime mixed with 1 cup warm water and 1 tsp baking (soda or powder?? I forget which one...will look it up) It worked!
Food: 8:30am Blueberry muffins (gluten free) Made fresh to take on the train. Ate them with coffee from Saxby's.
12:00 noon 1 very very small cup of caffeinated Kona coffee with whole milk made at my friend's house...soooo good.

From the Mexican restaurant: 2:00 pm I started with the most moist and tasty cornbread I have ever had, then had homemade corn chips with guacamole. Ate one of these meatballs, (sausage meatballs?) Had a scoop of chicken with rice, (dish name?) chicken flautas, shrimp fajitas with white flour tortillas, and 1 small piece of steak. We finished with amazing cupcakes from (?) and a decaf coffee.
So many combinations.
11:00 4 handfuls of peanuts b/c I skipped dinner after the huge lunch but stayed up too late and got hungry! Needed to sustain because Nick and I were..., uh, using up whatever energy I had left.
Notes from Friday: 1/21/11
headache again beginning at 4 pm, should I try to take medicine this time?
panic attack in grocery store
meditated on so hum
Was hoping to do yoga later but headache is too killer.
Feeling overwhelmed,
Food: 11:00 Ate eggs with fresh parsley and gluten free toast with ghee
Dinner: Chicken soup with kale
no yoga, no abhyanga, no pranayama'
Notes from the visit: I had an amazing time with friend's and their family that I haven't seen in years. Met and chatted with new friends. And got to see my beautiful friend with her beautiful belly for the first time in 6 months. The whole event was very satisfying to my doshas! I even found walking through Penn Station and the busy streets nostalgic rather than unsettling. Normally I am not one for being in giant bustling masses of people. I much prefer the slow deliberate pace of a walk in nature. I am awkward walker in crowded situations. There is a very precise flow to crowd walking that does not allow for...well...manners. If you stop to let someone go by or if you idle for a moment to accommodate some slow movers, the guy 2 feet behind you has to stop or change his path and it disrupts that perfect harmonious flow of walking, pushing and cutting people off that New Yorkers seem to have mastered. I seem to be better at this walk when I look at the ground or past everyone to my final destination area, but that just doesn't feel good to me. I can't help but acknowledge the people in front of me. Even if the situation calls for detachment. So there was some floundering on my part before I made it out of the station and up to 7th Ave, but I didn't drop the cupcakes!
Notes re: my mood over the past few days: So I think I am coming out of my 2 day bout of depression. I'm realizing it was from a combination of things...having expectations of how well I should be by this point, not having total faith in my current treatment plan, not trying out the other options and treatment plans available to me. I apologize to everyone reading (and to myself as well!) for not beginning with my bi-weekly alternative medical treatments. This has been part of my depression as well...I want to fit more into my schedule and don't feel like I can. Yoga classes OUT of the house, massages and Acupuncture I've bought from the coupon sites...these things are paid for and waiting and I can't seem to get to them! Also the brain fog has me going in circles. I know it will serve me well to let go of expectations and just be who and where I am right now. I just forget to practice it. I need to remember my mood does not need to be determined by my state of being. It is common for someone waking in pain to react to the unpleasant experience with an appropriate level of unhappiness, but it is not necessary. And it is not helpful. So I'm going to practice being unattached to my challenges. I'll let them be there and try not to react to them negatively.
Notes from the day:
Went to bed at 10:15 last night, woke up at 6:15 am, bed tonight 2:30 am...late night with my man...3 hours of...um...alone time on the 3rd floor...Ayurveda says every thing we do either balances or aggravates our doshas...I know the late night caused some aggravation, but the 3 hours of connection with my man is like medicine for this body.
3rd day with a slight headache, woke with it this time, not as bad as the other two days. Took 2 advil over the course of 8 hours. (First pain pills in months! Was happy they worked.) Had terrible indigestion when I got home...terrible. Used an Ayurvedic remedy to sooth the acid in my belly...1/4 lime mixed with 1 cup warm water and 1 tsp baking (soda or powder?? I forget which one...will look it up) It worked!
Food: 8:30am Blueberry muffins (gluten free) Made fresh to take on the train. Ate them with coffee from Saxby's.
12:00 noon 1 very very small cup of caffeinated Kona coffee with whole milk made at my friend's house...soooo good.
So many combinations.
11:00 4 handfuls of peanuts b/c I skipped dinner after the huge lunch but stayed up too late and got hungry! Needed to sustain because Nick and I were..., uh, using up whatever energy I had left.
Notes from Friday: 1/21/11
headache again beginning at 4 pm, should I try to take medicine this time?
panic attack in grocery store
meditated on so hum
Was hoping to do yoga later but headache is too killer.
Feeling overwhelmed,
Food: 11:00 Ate eggs with fresh parsley and gluten free toast with ghee
Dinner: Chicken soup with kale
no yoga, no abhyanga, no pranayama'
Cupcakes were from Midnite Confections Cupcakery in Baltimore. Had so much fun with you this day! Thank you so much for helping me guard those precious little cakes :) Let me know any time you need a random friend visit, I think they do a body good!
ReplyDeleteJust saw this comment...sorry, Dilini. I would love a random friend visit! :) And I loved those cupcakes! And I just realized I didn't post a picture of them. Weird. Hope I didn't lose them...I'm going to look for them now! Can't wait to see you again...I'm sure it will be soon!