January 1, 2011 Holiday Relapse & Resolution

So I have continued my herbal supplements since my last blog a few weeks ago, but I have dropped everything else.   I took off work for most of the week after Christmas since Luke and Nick were off school.  We definitely made merry.  Too merry.  I munched on wonderful glutinous cinnamon buns, cookies, and breads.  I ate whenever and whatever I wanted.  Drank wine, eggnog, vodka and prosecco.  Stayed up until dawn when my girlfriend, Maria, spent the night.  We were exhausted but we made a funny and somewhat cracked out video about 2 off-duty nutcrackers who were looking to party but instead found connection to the universe.  You can view it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OIS9iotLck  The 2nd half is way funnier than the first.  

New Year’s Eve Luke went to his dad’s for a party so Nick and I actually had a chance to go out.  I lasted 3 hours at a friend’s house before coming home right after midnight.  My body is back to square one.  Pain.  Getting there was fun, but had I known it would end up like this I would have done things differently. 
So I am starting again.  I’m detailing everything in my blog/journal.  I am going to be disciplined and really try to do everything right.   

Well, it’s 10 pm here, so off to bed.  Happy New Year, everyone. 
